
Our main priority at Ysgol Glan Clwyd is to ensure the best possible experiences and outcomes for each pupil. Our goal is to create confident, enthusiastic and progressive learners who have the ability to cope with day to day challenges as effective lifelong learners. By offering diverse and rich experiences we enable our pupils to be  resilient, innovative, balanced and reflective learners. 

Year 7 & 8

Further guidance to the Yr.7 and 8 curriculum is available by following the above link

Year 9

In order to enrich the experiences of Year, we will offer the opportunity for them to start studying the Welsh Baccalaureate Course during Year 9 focusing on Community Challenge. This will lead to gaining a qualification at the end of Year 11.


Year 10 will study core subjects:

  • Welsh Language & Literature,
  • English Language & Literature,
  • Mathematics & Numeracy
  • Science Double Award
  • Welsh Baccalaureate

In addition there are 3 optional subjects to choose.

Year 12/13

Ensuring the best education through the medium of Welsh for our sixth form students is key to us as a school. There is a wide range of possible courses see the Post-16 Prospectus on this website.