School Uniform
School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of our school and setting an appropriate tone.
Our standards regarding school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform supports effective teaching and learning since it:
- Promotes a sense of pride in the school in line with our ethos
- Engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school
- Supports positive behaviour and discipline
- Identifies the pupils with the school and encourages identity with the school
- Protects pupils from social pressures to dress in a particular way
- Makes pupils feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance and helps nurture cohesion between different groups of pupils
- Ensures pupils of all races and backgrounds feel welcome
The Role of Parents
We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the school uniform standards. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily school work.

Bringing the correct equipment to school is essential for students to make progress in lessons. Students should check their school equipment DAILY.
All students should bring the following equipment to school every day:
Equipment for learning can be found in the information booklet for year 7 pupils.
Personal Possessions
Parents and pupils are reminded that the school’s insurance does not cover pupils’ belongings that may be lost or damaged on site. All personal possessions (including mobile phones, watches, jewellery etc) are brought to school at the pupils’ own risk and pupils are responsible for keeping them safe. We therefore discourage pupils from bringing expensive or precious items into school.