Parents Evenings

Parents’ evenings are important events which enable parents and guardians to discuss their child’s progress, share concerns, and take an active part in their education. Attendance at parents’ evenings gives an important message to your child and the school that you are interested in their time spent at school.

How often are Parents’ Evenings held?

You will have the opportunity to attend a parents evening every academic year we also hold information evenings for year 9, 10 and 11. We hold an Open evening for prospective families on the first Thursday of every October annually.

Can I just turn up for Parents’ Evening?

No, you will be sent a letter, via email prior to the parents’ evening where you will have the opportunity to select which teachers you would like to meet with, following this you will receive a timetable of appointments to follow.

How long are the appointments?

To ensure all parents get an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress the appointments are limited to 5 minutes. Should you need to discuss your child’s progress in more detail you may need to arrange another convenient time.

Before you attend Parents’ Evening, it’s a good idea to make a list of questions you would like to ask.

These might include: –

  • What is my child good at?
  • What does he/she need help with?
  • How can we help at home?
  • What can my child do to help him/herself?
  • What are they learning and at what sort of level are they expected to understand things?
  • Does he/she ask questions or join in class discusisons?

Other points for discussion

  • Ask to see some examples of your child’s work.
  • Go through their school report.
  • If your child is on the Additional Needs Register ask to see a copy of their Individual Education Plan (IEP)


  • It’s a good idea to have a chat with your child before you attend parents’ evening. Any worries or difficulties can then be shared with school staff.
  • It’s important to give your child feedback. A pat on the back if they have done well. Support and encouragement if they need to try harder.
  • Close co-operation and communication between home and school is crucial in ensuring that your child’s best interests are met.
  • You don’t have to wait until Parents’ Evening to discuss your child’s progress — make an appointment.