by admin | Apr 22, 2020 | testblogen
Headteacher’s Blog Out of the mouths of babes……. At the end of what should have been the Easter holiday for Welsh schools, our main focus as schools during this dark and unprecedented time is offering support to our learners and their families....
by admin | Apr 8, 2020 | blogpennen
Headteacher’s Blog Thank You! As nature often has to adapt in times of crisis – learning different ways of living and surviving – our society is now changing and adapting during this time of global crisis. I know that so many areas within society, and...
by admin | Apr 2, 2020 | blogpennen
Headteacher’s Blog A healthy body and a healthy mind In these difficult times I hope you are all safe. Schools are now of course changing their focus on a daily basis, and we are now offering support and care to the children of key workers, as well as providing...
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